Privacy Policy is December 1st, 2023.

Who we are
Your personal information is collected on We respect your privacy and
value the trust you place in us when you share your personal information with us. This Privacy
Policy sets out how we collect and use your personal information.
If you have questions in relation to this Privacy Policy, our details are set out in the “Contacts”
section at the end of this notice.
Data collection and usage
We will collect, store and use your personal information to:
to allow access to our website
keep you up to date with the latest offers and trends
give you a better shopping experience
help us to make our marketing more relevant to you and your interests
improve our services
meet our legal responsibilities
The table below explains what information we collect and how and why we use it.
What information we collect
1. We collect your personal information in a number of ways:
when you buy our products; and
when you subscribe to get a guide.
Specifically, we collect personal information you give us such as your name, phone number, email.
What information we collect
We use this information to:
create an account for you to use our website;
provide our products and services;
help us ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud.
Why we use your information
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
this is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
we have a legitimate business interest to:
understand and respond to customer feedback;
research and analyze the services our customers want; or
improve our products and services.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent touse the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
2. Information about the way you use our products and services:
the content that you have viewed;
the products or services that you've purchased;
when and where you have accessed content and/or made the purchases (including where
information can be identified from your IP address);
what you paid and how.
We use this information to:
identify products and services that may be of interest to you;
monitor the way our website is used;
to provide you with location-based functions;
personalize our service to you to:
provide you with, make available, and show you more of the things which interest you,
based on your activity and feedback;
do statistical analysis and research;
improve our services and efficiency of service delivery; and
develop new products and services based on what we learn from your activity and the
activity of other customers.
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
we have a legitimate business interest to:
tell you about the various products and services we can offer;
understand and respond to customer feedback;
research and analyze the products and/or subscriptions our customers want;
improve our services;
ensure that we are better able to personalize our offers to you.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
3. Information that you give us to make an online purchase,including:
your contact details including your name and email address;
your bank account details or credit card information;
the details you provide to open an online account with us;
the product(s) purchased.
We use this information, including to:
process your order;
take payment from or give you a refund;
on-board you as a customer;
provide our products and services;
manage and administer our services;
help us ensure that our customers are genuine and to prevent fraud; and
send personalized offers or shopping ideas which are based on your shopping habits.
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
this is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
we have a legitimate business interest to:
understand and respond to customer feedback;
improve our services and better understand how our customers use them; or
ensure that we are better able to personalize our offers to you.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
4. Information when you communicate with us whether in person, through our website, via email,
over the phone including:
your contact details;
the details of your communications with us (including when you sent it, when we received
it and where you sent it from (such as our website, via email); and
the details of our messages to you.
We use this information, including to:
answer any of your issues or concerns;
provide you access to use our website;
monitor customer communications for quality and training purposes;
develop new services which is based on the information you provide;
improve our services based on the information and feedback you provide; and
personalize our service to you to take account of the information and feedback you have
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
this is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
we have a legitimate business interest to
understand customer feedback and respond to customer communications in a consistent
ensure that we are better able to personalize our offers to you;
research and analyze the products and services our customers want;
provide security over our business and who we trade with;
prevent and detect fraud; or
verify customer details.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
5. Information that we collect through your use of the website and app:
technical information, including IP address, login information, browser type and version
(e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.), time zone setting, browser plug-in types and
versions, operating system you are using (e.g., Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS, etc.), platform,
device type, hardware model, MAC address, unique device identifiers and mobile network
information about your visit, including the full URL clickstream to, through and from our
website (including date and time);
information about your network, such as information about devices, nodes, configurations,
connection speeds, and network and application performance; and
pages you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits
to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs),
and methods used to browse away from the page.
We use this information to:
provide our products and services;
provide and adapt our services to take account of the technical capabilities of our users
and to ensure content is presented in the most effective manner;
analyze site traffic and understand customer needs and trends;
improve our products and services;
identify products and services that may be of interest to you;
develop new products and services;
identify issues with the website;
do statistical analysis and research;
monitor the way our website is used; and
combine this information with other types of information mentioned above to allow us to
make our services more personal and tailored to each customer's preferences and habits.
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
this is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
we have a legitimate business interest to:
understand how our customers use our products and website;
tell you about the various products and services we can offer;
ensure network and information security;
conduct fraud prevention and detection.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
6. Information that we collect incidentally from other sources or public sources, including
information presented on our social media.
We use this information, including to:
maintain market awareness; and
build and maintain social media branding.
We use this information because:
this is necessary to enter into or perform our contract with you;
this is necessary to comply with legal or regulatory requirements;
we have a legitimate business interest to:
maintaining a public profile within the media;
maintaining the accuracy of the data we hold; and
conducting research to improve our products and services.
In addition to the above, where we have obtained your consent to use the data, then we can rely
on that consent.
7.Your rights
You have certain rights in relation to your information. Some of these rights will only apply in
certain circumstances. If you would like to exercise, or discuss, any of these rights, please submit
your request by emailing us using the contact details set out below and provide sufficient
information to allow us to understand the scope of the request.
Your rights are as follows:
Consent: if our processing is based on consent, you can withdraw your consent at any
time by emailing us using the contact details set out below.
Access: you can ask us if we are processing your personal data and, if we are, you can
request access to your personal data. This enables you to receive a copy of the personal
data we hold about you and certain other information about it.
Correction: you can request that any incomplete or inaccurate personal data we hold
about you is corrected.
Erasure: you can ask us to delete or remove personal data in certain circumstances. In
certain cases we may refuse a request for erasure, for example, where the personal data is
required for compliance with law or in connection with claims.
Restriction: you can ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data, for example
if you want us to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
Transfer: you can request the transfer of your personal data to another third party in limited
Objection: where we are processing your personal data based on legitimate interests (or
those of a third party) you may challenge this. However we may be entitled to continue
processing personal data based on our compelling legitimate interests or where this is
relevant to legal claims. You can also has object if we are processing your personal data
for direct marketing purposes.
8.Direct marketing
We may use the information you give us on our website for direct marketing purposes to provide
updates, newsletters, events or other communications that we think may interest you. We will only
do this with your consent (where required by law).
You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing from us at any time. You can do this by clicking on
the "unsubscribe" link included at the end of any marketing email we send to you, or by emailing
us using the contact details set out below.
Our website use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to keep track of your visits. They
help us to provide you with the very best experience when you browse our website or use and to
make improvements. It also helps us and our advertising networks to make advertising relevant to
you and your interests.
Third parties that are unaffiliated with us may also collect information about you, including
tracking your browser history, when you use our website. We do not have control over the
collection practices of these third parties.
You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when websites set
or access cookies. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of our website
may become inaccessible or not function properly.
We are committed to keeping your personal information safe. We have physical, technical and
administrative measures in place to prevent unauthorised access or use of your information.
11.Links to third party websites
Our website, newsletters, email updates and other communications may, from time to time,
contain links to and from third party websites. The personal data that you provide through these
websites is not subject to this Privacy Policy and the treatment of your personal data by such
websites is not our responsibility. Please read their privacy policies to find out how they collect
and process your personal information
12.Changes to this Privacy policy
From time to time, we may change and/or update this Privacy Policy. If this Privacy Policy
changes in any way, we will post an updated version on our website, and we will update the
Effective Date included at the top of the Privacy Policy. If we change anything important about
this Privacy Policy (the personal data we collect, how we use it or why) we will highlight those
changes at the top of the Privacy policy and provide a prominent link to it for a reasonable length
of time before the change.
We recommend you regularly review our website to ensure that you are always aware of our data
practices and any changes. Any changes to this Privacy Policy. will go into effect on posting to
this website.
If you would like more information about the way we manage personal information that we hold
about you, or are concerned that we may have breached your privacy and wish to make a
complaint, please contact us as set out below. We will do our best to resolve your complaint.
you have any questions about this Privacy Policy please contact us by emailing
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